Perkmandeljc, the Vanishing Spirit

Performers in co-authors: Primož Bezjak, Branko Potočan, Sebastjan Starič, Dušan Teropšič
Premiere: 7.10.2001 Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana (festival Ex Ponto)

Perkmandeljc is a roguish dwarf who teases the miners, while on the other hand, he watches out for them and warns them against dangers. In the performance he is an invisible companion to the three actors, who let out their fears, hopes and imagination. The metal construction that defines the scene is a meeting place for persons with different names but a similiar fate.

The setting of the performance itself tells its own story. It is determined by the obvious iconography of mining and heavy industry, the very environment that is heading for a slow but certain demise. The way of life and patterns of behaviour created during the last two centuries are falling apart right in front of the peoples' eyes, forcing them into uncertainty. The process of transition means losing the floor beneath their feet, making existence of almost every individual and their family questionable. The perspective that is fading away and the way of life that is about to vanish are symbolized by coat hangers of fears and hopes. Upon these the actors hang their nostalgic clothes and a succession of images and experiences from the rich history of a time that is irretrievably gone.
