Rusty Trumpets
Performers in co-authors: Primož Bezjak, Borut Bučinel, Tina Janežič, Gregor Luštek, Jana Menger, Branko Potočan
Musicians on stage, authors: Vasko Atanasovski, Marko Brdnik, Tibor Mihelič, Boštjan Narat
Production: Zavod Vitkar & Cankarjev dom
Premiere: 12.9.2005 Ljubljana

»The performance Rusty Trumpets draws from our memories of childhood, when rusty trumpets announced the arrival of the circus in town, where everything is »completely meaningless, yet, oh, so true«.

Potočan and Fourklor focused on their strongest point of expression: the interaction between movement and props as well as the impresive little tricks performed by the six dancers. The circus atmosphere as a reminiscence of the classic circus is accompanied by live music that idiosyncratically reinterprets the »circus melody«, and provides sound effects to particular acrobatic feats. The spectator is initiated into the world of the circus, viewed from the point of acrobatic skills, as well as being shown the circus of human life and comotion surrounding man himself. The weightless condition which Potočan aims at creating on stage constantly shapes and re-shapes the viewer's point of view, creating a topography of the stage, a living still-life that, when contrasting with the body, comes startingly alive. Toying with the dancer's as well as the viewer's perspectives, Rusty Trumpets entails a series of microcosms that, with props and set design, become ambiances, swarming our real an intimate lives.

