Lilijana Stepancic:
šKUC Gallery is thus remade into museum. The installing of things, the mutual disposition and interrelations of the exhibits prove that this is not some National Museum, but rather the private collection of an enthusiast. The collected items do not seem to be documentarily recorded, systematised or evaluated; there is no national museum structure or card index behind them. They rather remind one of the wunderkammer of some great eccentric of mannerism, the period so similar to present times. The artist-collector has made his decision to collect in order to fulfill his personal aspirations. The collected items are objects from a fallen political regime and its iconography, and this was also the time of the artist's childhood and youth. They form the basis on which the museum is yet to be structured.

Most frequently, the exhibits in Kovačič's museum are seen through various optical devices or the screens of his TV sets. They are not presented directly, but through a medium. In this way they evoke the idea of the significance of spectacle as a functioning form of our civilisation. They also speak about television which is becoming a way of life and our window to the world. But Kovačič's museum is not an analysis or critique of a particular choice of collection, i.e. of a point of view of the world. It is a kind of deconstruction, very close to the meaning of Derrida's term.