LESBO is a Slovenian lesbian political, social and cultural non-profit quarterly. Its foundress and publisher is the Slovenian lesbian group ŠKUC-LL. The editress in chief is Nataša Velikonja, the design editress Irena Wölle.

The 6th issue of LESBO magazine starts with Nataša Sukič's article ("Scene"). The authoress writes about the importance of existance of different subcultures in the society and of small lesbian clubs (like slovenian lesbian club MONOCLE is). She also writes about development from lesbian club scene (which creates lesbian culture in general) to the articulated lesbian movement.

Strictly politically oriented section entitled "LLobby" is dealing with political concerns, relations between the state and same-sex persons, reflections on the local lesbian and gay scene, groups or movements etc. Sara Lubej ("Lesbians") compares lesbian lifestyle in small cities in Slovenia (there are no lesbian clubs, groups or movement) with lesbian lifestyle in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia (where the lesbian movement was developed). Sunčana Špriovan ("Because Press") presents lesbian publishing project "Because Press" from Zagreb, Croatia. She writes about lesbian fanzine "Just a girl" and about lesbian poetry "The Games of Love and Pride". In the media-mirror ("Action-Reaction"), Nataša Velikonja cites and comments lesbian-concerned articles published by the Slovenian public mass media. In this edition, special emphasis is given to the biggest daily newspapers Delo, Dnevnik and Večer.

In the section "Spectacles", which deals mainly with the cultural or social lesbian scene, Varja Požar presents the well-known lesbian band Tribe 8. Tatjana Greif writes about the iconography in lesbian painting and describes the work of Rosa Bonheur, Thelma Wood, Tamara de Lempicka, Suzane Valadon, Romaine Brooks etc. Aquarius, the first party-lady in the Slovenian lesbian scene, writes about the lesbian places in the city of Ljubljana (Club K4 and Club Monokel). Urška Recer writes about different aspects of graffiti communication and activism ("Communication - Making graffiti).

The main topic of this issue is "Discrimination at the working place". In this article Nataša Koražija comments the situation for lesbians on the labour market and main causes for high level of unemployment inside the lesbian community. Nataša Velikonja ("Sexual harassment at the working place"/"Lesbian Trade Unions") deals with different ways of sexual harassment at the working place with the specific concern for lesbians; she also mentions the results of the research, made in slovenian lesbian scene, about the connections between same-sex orientation and employment in Slovenia.

The section "Interact" brings an interview with dr. Dorelies Kraakman, professor at the Faculty of social sciences at the University of Amsterdam. As a teacher of lesbian & gay studies she discusses the development and impact of lesbian & gay studies. She also comments the social attitude towards homosexuality etc.

The literary section "Literatura" brings selected poems of Majda Kne's book of poetry published in 1980 in Ljubljana (Mladinska knjiga).

The last section "Pornovizija" deals with the culture of the body, sexuality, body politics and various aspects of sexual identities. Nataša Sukič Vegan ("Lesbians and cybersex") writes about the influence of cyber culture on understanding of sexuality and the self of postmodern subject. This section ends with brief presentation of Judith Butler's work.

This issue's special insert is the brochure "Same-sex orientation and employment policy". The equality implementation policy for same-sex oriented people is one of the basic human and civil rights. The Slovenian legislature is preparing a bill which will prevent discrimination of lesbians and gays in the workplace.