

Humor je rahločutnost brezupa.
(Iz knjige "Kako sem hčeri razložil rasizem")

Maja Pan: "Moj protest je usmerjen zoper medikalizacijo homoseksualnosti. Po drugi strani pa kritizira vase srkajoče potrošništvo, ki v Sloveniji že nekaj časa sprevrača vrednote kot so človekove pravice v demokraciji, v funkcijo floskule oz. potrošnega materiala s primestne tržnice. To potrjujejo tako posamezniki, ki me zastopajo v parlamentu, kot večina državnih in cerkvenih tajnikov."

Maja Pan: "My protest targets the medicalization of homosexuality on the one hand and the destructive, all-encompassing force of consumerism on the other. The latter has put values such as human rights in Western democracies (including Slovenia) at risk and is threatening to completely undermine them by turning them into an empty-phrase or a form of consumer goods that can be easily obtained at the nearest fair or city market. This trend can be traced and is becoming ever more evident from the actions taken by individuals such as state and church officials who take it as their duty to speak on my behalf in precisely this manner.
Their talk about human rights that homosexuals can or cannot claim for their own extends no further than that of a political shopping basket. The talk about human rights homosexuals can or cannot claim for themselves is a part of a rhetorical game the political parties are playing at in order to advance their own agendas that have nothing to do with securing the actual rights of homosexuals themselves."

Protestnica je oblečena v zdravniško haljo, na hrbtu ima napis ZDRAVIM HOMOSEKSUALCE, potiska nakupovalni voziček, v katerem sta dve škatli z napisoma DEMOKRACIJA in ČLOVEKOVE PRAVICE.

The protester is wearing a doctor’s outfit; the slogan on her back reads “I treat homosexuals”; the shopping trolley she is pushing in front of her contains two boxes labelled DEMOCRACY and HUMAN RIGHTS.

Urška Merc: "Protestiram z izveskom, saj parada ponosa zame ni gej parada, ampak javna politična akcija raznoraznih mislečih ljudi, ki so zavestni osi nasilja močnejših nad šibkejšimi, oblastnikov nad vladanimi, poročenimi nad neporočenimi, človeškim nad nečloveškim, ... Zagovarjam antiglobalistično feministično akcijo za pravice lezbijk in pravice živali."

Urška Merc: "I’m using the sign as a form of protest because the pride parade for me is not exclusively and not only a gay parade but a public manifestation and a political act staged by a variety of different people with diverse and yet shared points of view. They are all united in one cause as they recognize the axis of violence where the more powerful rule over and oppress the less powerful, the married loom above and oppress the unmarried, the humans act against what is postulated as non-human, etc.
I stand for the anti-globalist feminist action that fights for the lesbian rights and the rights of animals."