case: Marija Mojca Pungercar / Cherchez la femme
crime record

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locations: French Cultural Center - Ljubljana, Slovenia;
Modern Gallery - Rijeka, Croatia
location type:
reading room
Oct 1994
July 1995
case description:

The project flirts with the fact of the French Cultural Centre in Ljubljana once being part of a nunnery, with the added element of the special position of women in French culture.

Oversized female shapes displayed in the seven windows representing seven famous women from French history. The figures were dressed in classic Coco Chanel two-pieces. In the reading room, playing cards - collages bearing motifs from Catholic iconography, such as Mary the Virgin, Mother, Heroine and Protectress - were set on coffee tables. The reading room and window displays were linked by Coco Chanel's fashion tips and moralist instructions from Thomas Aquinas.

St. Thomas Aquinas
playing cards