Rojen 1933; 1951-53 obalni stražar ZDA; 1956-57 študent na Hans Hoffman School of Fine Arts; 1966-68 ustanovi in vodi The Millennium Film Workshop v New Yorku; 1969 skupaj z Larryjem Gottheimom ustanovi oddelek za film na S.U.N.Y. v Binghamptonu; 1974 postane profesor na isti univerzi; občasno predava na University of Colorado v Boulderju in Städelschule v Frankfurtu; živi v Binghamptonu; njegovi filmi so v stalnih zbirkah arhivov filmskih antologij v ZDA, Kanadi, Evropi in na Japonskem.

Born in 1933; 1951-53 U.S. coast Guard; 1956-57 student at Hans Hofmann School of Fine Arts; 1966-68 created and directed The Millennium Film Workshop, N.Y.C.; 1969 with Larry Gottheim founded a Department of Cinema, S.U.N.Y., Binghampton; 1974 professor of Cinema at the Binghampton University; occasionally lectures at University of Colorado, Boulder and Städelschule, Frankfurt; lives in Binghampton; his films make a part of permanent collections of anthology film archives in the USA, Canada, Europe and Japan.

Filmi / Films

1956 “Orchard Street”; 1957 “Saturday Afternoon Blood Sacrifice. T.V. Plug: Little Cobra Dance”; 1958-60 “Little Stabs at Happiness”; 1958-60 “Star Spangled to Death” (nedokončan / unfinished); 1959-63 “Blonde Cobra”; 1963 “Baud’Larian Capers”; 1964 “Window”; 1964 (8 mm) in / and 1985 (16mm); “The Winter Footage”; 1965 “Lisa and Joey in Connecticut, January ’65: ‘You’ve Come Back’,’You’re Still Here’”, 1964-66 (8mm) in / and 1988 (16 mm); “The Sky Socialist”; 1967 “Airshaft”; 1968 “Soft Rain”; 1969 “Tom, Tom, the Piper’s Son”; “Nissan Ariana Window”; “Globe”; 1975 “Urban Peasants”; 1978 “The Doctor’s Dream”; 1985 “Perfect Film”; 1987 “Jerry Takes a Back Seat, Then Passes Out of the Picture”; 1990 “Opening the Nineteenth Century: 1896, 1990”, “The Alps and the Jews” (delo v razvoju / work-in-progress); 1991 “Keaton’s Cops”; 1996 “The Georgetown Loop”, “Disorient Express”.

Izbor filmskih performansov / Selected Film Performances

1975 “The Impossible: Chapter One ‘Southwark Fair’”; 1979 “The Impossible: Chapter Two ‘1896’“; 1980 “The Impossible: Chapter Three ‘Hell Breaks Loose’“, “The Impossible: Chapter Four ‘Schilling’“, “The Impossible: Chapter Five ‘The Wrong Laurel’“, “Xcxhxexrxrxixexsx”; 1981 ”Ken Jacobs’ Theatre of Unconscionable Stupidity Presents Camera Thrills of the War”; 1982 “The Whole Shebang”; 1983 “Making Light of History: The Philippines Adventure”; 1989 “Two Wrenching Departures”; 1990 “The Subcinema”; 1993 “New York Ghetto Fishmarket 1903”; 1994 “Bitemporal Vision: The Sea”; 1995 “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell”; 1996 “LocoMotion”, “From Muybridge to Brooklyn Bridge”.

Naslov / Address:

94 Chambers Street, New York City, New York, 1007, ZDA / USA.