Marina Gržinić rojena 1958 na Reki; doktorat iz filozofije na ljubljanski univerzi; raziskovalka na Filozofskem inštitutu ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana; svobodna kustosinja, kritičarka in publicistka; izdala knjigi “Ljubljana, Ljubljana. Umetnost in kultura v osemdesetih” (Ljubljana 1991, skupaj z Alešem Erjavcem) in “V vrsti za virtualni kruh” (Ljubljana 1996).

Born in 1958 in Rijeka, Croatia; Ph.D. in Philosophy, Ljubljana University; researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Science and Art, Ljubljana; active as a critic, curator and publicist; main publications are “Ljubljana, Ljubljana. Slovenian Art and Culture in the Eighties” (Ljubljana 1991, with Aleš Erjavec) and “In Line for Virtual Bread” (Ljubljana, 1996).

Aina Šmid rojena 1957 v Ljubljani; diplomirana umetnostna zgodovinarka in svobodna umetnica; vrsto let dela kot sourednica revije “Ars Vivendi” v Ljubljani.

Born in 1957 in Ljubljana; art historian and free-lance artist; co-editor of a magazine “Ars Vivendi”, Ljubljana.

Marina Gržinič in Aina Šmid se skupaj ukvarjata z videoumetnostjo od leta 1982; posneli sta 30 umetniških videodel, številne dokumentarne oddaje in kratek igrani film ter realizali številne videoinstalacije in videoperformans; sodelovali na več kot 100 festivalih, v razstaviščih, kinodvoranah, centrih, muzejih itn.; dobili več kot 10 mednarodnih nagrad; njuna dela so vključena v nekaj svetovnih zbirk.

Marina Gržinič and Aina Šmid have been working together in video medium since 1982; realised 30 art videos, documentary programs, one short feature film, many video installations and one video performance; presented their works at more than 100 festivals, in exhibition spaces, cinemas, centres, museums, etc.; won more than 10 international prizes; their works make a part of some international collections.

Izbor umetniških akcij, samostojnih in skupinskih razstav / Selected Actions, Solo and Group Exhibitions

1985 -1989, 1991-1993 World Wide Video Festival, Den Haag ; 1988, 1993 - 1995 European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück; 1992 London Film Festival; 1991-1992 retrospektivna predstavitev z instalacijami / retrospective presentation with installations, Informacijski center MG, Ljubljana; 1992 Videonale, Bonn; Muu Media Festival, Helsinki; 1993 International Video and TV Festival, Montbeliard; Zentrum für neuen Technologie und Media (zkm), Karlshure; 1994Video in filmski festival, video performans in retrospektivna predstavitev / video performance and retrospective presentation, Göteburg; Video Festival, Grad Ujazdowski / Ujazdowski Castle, Varšava / Warsaw; “Il coreografo elettronico”, Napoli; “Video Viewpoints Program”, Museum of Modern Art, New York ; 1995 “Viper”, Luzern; 1995 Oberhausen Short Film Festival; Mediopolis, Berlin; 38th International Film Festival, San Francisco; 1st Festival International de Video y Artes Electronicas, Buenos Aires; 1996 39th International Film Festival, San Francisco; ”Videoformes”, video instalacija in retrospektivna predstavitev / video installation and retrospective presentation, Clermont-Ferrand.

Izbor skupinskih predstavitev / Selected Group Exhibitions

1994 “Europe, Europe, Hundred Years of Avant-Garde in Central and East Europe”, Bonn; “I and the other (ik + de ander) at the beurs van berlage”, Amsterdam; 1994-1995 “Europe rediscovered”, Köbenhavn, Paris; “Video from Slovenia”, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Chicago…; 1995 Biennale di Venezia, Benetke / Venice.

Videografija / Videography

1982 “Ikone glamourja - odmevi smrti / Icons of Glamour - Echoes of Death” kot članici skupine Meje kontrole št. 4 / as the members of the group Control Limits no. 4; 1983 “Grožnja prihodnosti / Threat of the Future” kot članici skupine Meje kontrole št. 4 / as the members of the group Control Limits no. 4; 1984 “Cindy Sherman ali histeria produkcija predstavlja rekonstrukcijo fotografij Cindy Sherman / Cindy Sherman or Hysteria Production Presents a Reconstruction of the Cindy Sherman Photographs” (z / with Dušan Mandić); 1985 “Trenutki odločitve / Moments of Decision”; 1987 “Doma / At Home”; “Os življenja / Axis of Life”; “Gola pomlad / Bare Spring”; “Deklica z oranžo / The Girl with Orange”; 1988 “Viziorama - mašinerija slike” / “Viziorama - The Machinery of the Picture”; 1989 “Žed / Thirst”; 1990 “Bilokacija / Bilocation”; 1990 “Moscow portraits / Moskovski portreti”; 1991 “Sejalec / The Sower”; 1992 “Tri sestre / Three Sisters”; 1993 “Ženska, ki nenehno govori / The Woman who Constantly Talks”; “Labirint / Labyrinth”; “Transcentrala”; 1994 “Rdeči čeveljčki / Red Shoes”; 1994 “Luna 10”;1994/95 “Zgodba o metulju I / The Butterfly Story I”; “A3 - apatija, aids in antarktika. Zgodba o metulju II / A3 - Apathy, Aids and Antarctica. The Butterfly Story II”; 1995 “Irwin cd-rom, model 2000”; 1996 “Os življenja / Axis of Life”.

Naslov / Address:

Marina Gržinić, Česnikova 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, tel: (386 61) 556 269, e-mail:,
web-site: Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid “Os življenja” .