m o z   n a   k o c k i
t h e   d i c e m a n

Video instalacija / video installation, 1991, glasba / music Milko Lazar, montaza / editing Zdene Kuzmic

"Video instalacija je nastala po romanu L. Rhineharda. Umetnica je uporabila sedem ekranov in jih postavila tako, da so po trije vzporedni, eden pa je na sredini in ustvarja nekaksno ezotericno niso. Na ekranih se vrstijo dogodki, ki govorijo o smrti, ljubezni, umetnosti, o zelji po izpolnitvi. Rdeca nit vseh teh podob je kocka, ki se pojavlja kot iz neskoncnih brezen, se za nekaj sekund pokaze na ekranu in takoj nato izgine. Natasa Prosenc na srednjem ekranu pokaze lastno podobo kot vprasanje ali posameznik lahko upravlja s svojo usodo, ali smo le del vecne igre nakljucij."

Aurora Fonda

"This installation is based on a novel by L. Rhinehard. The artist presents seven screens: two rows of three in parallel and one central, creating a sort of esoteric niche. On the screens unfold events which refer to death, love, art and the desire for fulfilment which animates each one of us. The common thread running through all these images is a die which every now and then emerges as if from an infinite abyss to appear for a few seconds on the screens, only to disappear immediately afterwards. On the central screen, Natasa Prosenc shows images of herself, as a question: Can we control our destiny or are we just part of an endless play of chance?"

Aurora Fonda