v z r o k
r e a s o n

Video instalacija / installation, 1996, kamera / photography Andrej Lupinc, montaza / editing Zlatjan Cuckov, glasba / music Borut Krzisnik, igralec / actor Milos Battelino

"Torej o resnici, pravi Kuzanski, ne moremo vedeti nic drugega kot to, da ne bomo nikoli izvedeli, kaj je. Vendar, ce se vrnemo k Platonu, je resnica lahko le posnemanje idej in nase zivljenje je vzpenjanje in padanje, o katerem razmislja Natasa Prosenc. Cloveško zivljenje je neprestano romanje prispodob, prikazni, predstav proti resnicni podobi, podobi resnice, ki pa je po definiciji nedosegljiva, saj je transcedentalna."
Jure Mikuz
"And thus, says Cusanus, there is nothing else we know about truth except that we will never realize what it is. Yet, going back to Plato again, we find that the truth can only be an imitation of Ideas, and that our lives are a continuous process of climbing and falling - a thought which Natasa Prosenc has given much consideration. Human life is an endless wandering from allegories, phantasms or concepts towards the true image, or the image of the truth, which, by definition, is unattainable, as it is transcendental."
Jure Mikuz