k a m n i   s p o m i n a
s t o n e s   o f   m e m o r y

Video film, 1993, scenarij / screenply Natasa Prosenc, Tomaz Brate, kamera / photography Radovan Cok, montaza / editing Zlatjan Cuckov, glasba / music Milko Lazar, igralci / actors Jozef Roposa, Elma Selmanagic, 7'45"

"Tudi kamni imajo zgodovino, ki je zapisana na njihovi povrsini, v zilah in sedimentih. Ce jih opazujemo, nam govorijo o tisocletnem obstoju. S tem videom Natasa Prosenc daje besedo navidezno mrtvim stvarem, ki s svojim skripanjem pod nasimi koraki govorijo pradavne resnice."

Aurora Fonda

"Even stones have a story to tell, written on their surface, saturated with veins and sediments. All you have to do is look at them and they will tell of their centuries' old existence. In this video, Natasa Prosenc lets these apparently inanimate beings talk for themselves, communicating through the cracking of their heavy movements, and on contact with our footsteps, they shout out ancient truths."

Aurora Fonda