1. Občinstvo je nestanovitno.
  2. Zgrabite jih za vrat in jih več ne izpustite.
  3. Glavni junak mora imeti jasen cilj.
  4. Vedite, kam ste namenjeni.
  5. Bolj spretni in prefinjeni ste v skrivanju pripovednih nastavkov, boljši avtor ste..
  6. Če imate težave z zadnjim delom, je vzrok v prvem delu.
  7. Lubitschev nasvet: Naj občinstvo samo sešteje dve in dve. Ljubili vas bodo za zmerom.
  8. Kadar pripovedujete čez sliko, pazite, da ne razlagate tistega, kar občinstvo vidi. Naj glas dodaja k videnemu.
  9. Dogodek, ki se zgodi ob koncu drugega dela filma, sproži njegov konec.
  10. Tretji del filma mora stopnjevati, stopnjevati, stopnjevati ritem in dogajanje do zadnjega dogodka in potem -
  11. — To je to. Ne zavlačujte.

  1. The audience is fickle.
  2. Grab 'em by the throat and never let 'em go.
  3. Develop a clean line of action for your leading character.
  4. Know where you're going.
  5. The more subtle and elegant you are in hiding your plot points, the better you are as a writer.
  6. If you have a problem with the third act, the real problem is in the first act.
  7. A tip from Lubitsch: Let the audience add up two plus two. They'll love you forever.
  8. In doing voice-overs, be careful not to describe what the audience already sees. Add to what they are seeing.
  9. The event that occurs at the second-act curtain triggers the end of the movie.
  10. The third act must build, build, build in tempo and action until the last event, and then-
  11. — that's it. Don't hang around.