Zgodba o Claude Cahun (Playing a Part: The Story of Claude Cahun), dokumentarni, VB, 2005, dvd, angl., 45'
REŽIJA: Lizzie Thynne
Dokumentarec prikazuje škandalozno in privlačno življenje Claude Cahun, vsestranske angleške umetnice in drzne članice odporniškega gibanja med drugo svetovno vojno. To je tudi zgodba o močni in ustvarjalni lezbični partnerski zvezi, kajti Cahunova in njena ljubimka, polsestra Marcel Moore, sta bili v Parizu znani po številnih nadrealističnih avtoportretih, s katerimi sta proučevali performans spola skozi androginost in navzkrižno preoblačenje.
Playing A Part illuminates the scandalous and mesmerising life of Claude Cahun: photographer, author, surrealist and resistance fighter. Despite the title, however, this is very much a story about a powerful creative lesbian partnership. Cahun and her lover/stepsister Marcel Moore were perhaps best known for their work on numerous surrealist 'self-portraits' that interrogated the performance of gender through cross-dressing and androgyny.