videoinstalacije / video installations

media teror visionPopulaciji je treba oprostiti, ker ne ve, kaj dela. / We must forgive the humankind for they do not know what they're doing.

Prevec slepi, da bi videli / Too blind to see
Prevec slepi, da bi videli / Too Blind To See, Metelkova mesto, 16. Dec. 1999



Media Terror Vision poskuša na neprefinjen nacin terorizirati apatično občinstvo in ga tudi razsvetliti, pri tem pa ne upošteva njegovih želja. S sliko in glasbo se agresivno približa gledalcu, a mu ne zastavlja vprašanj, temveč ga kritizira in na koncu od njega zahteva, da končno postori kaj za svoj  pogled na svet.1

Media Terror Vision is, in a very unsophisticated way terrorizing apathetic viewers, trying to enlighten them, not taking in consideration their wishes. With the video and music he's aggressivly enroaching upon the viewer himself, not asking him, but criticizing him and demanding to finally do something inside his own view of the world.1
1. Media Teror (Rok Sieberer - Kuri), Chroma qart mix 3, Drawing up borderlines, ... What does not belong togehter, Films and multimedia works from Austria and Slovenia, Verein Punctum, Graz, Austria, 2001;