Jens Harder

Jens Harder is loyal to quality. After being borned in eastern Whitewater in 1970, learning mechanical BMSR at the "BBS aM.I. Kalinin" of the powerful VEB KW Boxberg, breaking down the wall and accordingly turning to Berlin in 1991, earning lots of money with magnificent mac jobs, studying graphic design at the cosy KHB and founding there the successful group monogatari with five other famous comic artists, Jens Harder brings you through with delicous, divine, disgusting drawings. Contemporary publications: "Ruwen Strips" (1999) "NuAera" (1999) "Hotelfzhrer Neue Mitte" (2000) "Electricit Marseille" (2000) "GastroLogie" in "Alltagsspionage" (2001) "Monogatari 6 x 6 Pin-ups" (2001) "Reflexe" in PLAQUE 01 (2002) "Monogatari MONSTERS" (2003).