Kai Pffeifer

Born 1975 in Berlin. Draughtsman, author, sound fetishist. He is a member of the Berlin comic art group “monogatari” (www.monogatari.de). Together with Johann Ulrich he is the editor of “PLAQUE”, an annually magazine for international comic avantguarde (www.avant-verlag.de). Selected publications: “OPERATIONS ESTHETIQUES” (Le Dernier Cri 2000); “Kuenstliche Menschen – hommes artificiels” (monogatari 2001); “Bauschaum” with Ulli Lust (monogatari 2000); “Alte Frauen” with Tim Dinter (Zwerchfell 2001); “Der Flaneur” with Tim Dinter (80 Strips in: “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” 2002). With monogatari: “Alltagsspionage” (2001); “monogatari6X6 PINUPS” (2001); “monogatariMONSTERS” (2003).