Sreco Dragan

Digitalno generiran model nerealiziranega nacrta arhitekta Jozeta Plecnika iz leta 1947/48, se vpise v spomin kljucnih tock duhovne geometrije Ljubljane. The digitally generated model of non- inplemented design by architect Joze Plecnik from 1947/48 imprints itself on the memory of key points in the spiritual geometry of Ljubljana.
Na formalni ravni povezuje projekt dobo ocesa, pogleda in podobe (voyant-voyeur-voyage) kot mozen preboj horizonta realne in virtualne slepote. On the formal level, the project connects the time of the eye, view and image (voyant- voyeur-voyage) as a possible penetration trough the horizon of real and virtual blindness.
Na simbolni ravni se manifestira doloceno stanje duha ob koncu drugega tisocletja, ki je prepoznavno v globokem osebnem obcutenju melanholije - dozivljajskih in vedenjskih re- aktivnih pripravljenosti na grozote blizine vojne. On the symbolic level, a certain state of the spirit is manifested at the end of the second millenium, which can be recognised in the profound personal feeling of melancholy-as experience and behaviour-and reactivated alertness to the horrors of the proximity of war.
Projekt 'ROTAS' dobi s postavitvijo v galerijo status interaktivne telekineticne instalacije, v kateri vmesniki za 3D okolja, racunalnisko vodena platforma z TV zaslonom (telerobot), ki ji sledi gledalec v realnem casu, gradijo ikonske slike, oblike stopnjevane resnicnosti (augmented reality) z virtualno realnostjo. The project 'ROTAS' is cyberenvironment in a space of moving Robot animation and simulation interactive installation.
Video 'ROTAS' je posvecen arhitektu Jozetu Plecniku in Warchitecture-Sarajevo. The video is dedicated to the architect Joze Plecnik and Warchitecture-Sarajevo.
'V svetu brez melanholije ni prostora za glasbo.' In a world without melancholy there would be no place for music.
'Danes vam govorim legendo o Babilonskem stolpu.' Roke, ki so gradile Babilon niso poznale sanj, iz katerih so se rodile.' 'Today, I am telling to you the legend of the Tower of Babel'. The hands that built Babel knew nothing of the dream of which it was born.'
Posnetek iz filma 'Metropolis' Fritza Langa, 1926. Frame from Fritz Lang’s movie, 1926.
Torinski prt, fotograf Giuseppe Enrrie, 1931. The Turin’s cloth, from the original black and white plate of exclusive official photographs taken by Giuseppe Enrrie in 1931.
Political correctness - gibane za pravicno ovrednotenje po katerem Kristus uci zdravo in posteno zivljenje kot resitev iz neznosnih tezav, ne pa darilno smrt. Political correctness.
Nacrt 'slovenski parlament' arhitekta Jozeta Plecnika. Plecnik’s most important works after 2nd world war is the design of the Slovene parliament.
Renesancni ucitelj skrivnosti geometrije, menih Luka Pacioli. Fra luca Pacioli, the great Renaissance teacher of sacred geometry.
Kiborgovo oko The Cyborg Eye.
Duns Scotus (umrl 1308) je prvi uporabil termin 'virtual' za premostitev razlike med formalno poenoteno realnostjo (ki jo definira nasa konceptualna zaznava verjetnosti) in naso razprseno iskusnjo. The concept of virtuality dates back to a connection coined in the Middle Ages by the logician Duns Scotus (died in 1308). Scotus used the term 'virtual' in order to bridge the gap between the formally unified reality as defined by our conceptual perceptive expectations and our diffuse experiences.