ZRS - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije

CQ ZRS : CQ ZRS 2/94 - April 1994
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CQ ZRS 2/94 April 1994

  • XXII. ZRS Conference
  • Info ZRS/IARU
  • Operator techniques and DX information
  • SW activity
  • VHF activity
  • Amateur radio direction finding - fox hunting
  • Techniques and Construction:
         Circular Polarization
         Low noise preamplifier for 144MHz
         Coaxial wave-meter for UHF & SHF
  • ATV
  • Satellites
  • Radioamateur Diplomas
  • HAM Adds

  • Photo on the cover shows S59DBC/S53M (Radioclub Murska Sobota) contest location at JN86CR, 317m asl. They have three towers. The tallest is 45m tall with KLM monobanders for 7MHz, 14MHz, 21MHz and 28MHz, as well as 2m, 70cm and 23cm antennas. Second is 22m tall and have 21MHz monobander and third is 18m tall and have 28m monobander. There are also phased verticals for 3.5MHz and 4m parabola for 23cm.
                 Design by Bajko (c)2002