International festival MLADI LEVI 2019

August 24, 2019 8:00 pm - August 31, 2019 8:00 pm

Dear friends,

we are happy to announce the preliminary program of the 22nd edition of MLADI LEVI International Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, which will take place from August 24th to 31st 2019. This year’s festival is bringing together artists, thinkers and audiences to spend 9 exciting days of sharing and exploring beneath the surface, through different layers of things and their relations to today’s society.

A part fo the festival programme is dealing with the theme of emotional materialism, which will be unfolded from theoretical perspective at the summer conference trans-making in the frame of the festival.

We are inviting you to spend those 9 days in our company!


Milo Rau: The Congo Tribunal

June 11, 2018 7:00 pm

Pre-event to 21st Mladi levi festival 2018, in collaboration with Festival Isola Cinema and Kinodvor

Documentary film, Germany, Switzerland, 2017, 100’

9th June at 12:00, Festival Isola Cinema, Izola

11th June at 19:00, Isola Cinema in Ljubljana at Kinodvor, Ljubljana

The war in Congo has caused more than six million deaths over the last twenty years. The population is suffering, but the offenders stay with impunity. Many people see this conflict as one of globalisation’s crucial economic distribution battles because the country has major deposits of high-tech raw materials. The director gathers victims, perpetrators, observers and analysts for a unique civil tribunal and creates a detailed and unvarnished portrait of the largest and bloodiest economic war in human history. (more…)

21st International Festival MLADI LEVI

August 24, 2018 8:00 pm - September 1, 2018 11:00 pm

August 24th – September 1st 2018,
The Old Power Station and other locations throughout Ljubljana

“This year’s festival program is opening up those intermediate spaces between the personal and the common, between the intimate and the public, testing the boundaries between them and the fragile limits of freedom between individuals and society, and between individuals themselves. (more…)