Genesis and the Structure of Fleece

Borut Brumen, fleeceologist

“The rue which, in the year the comet was seen from the hill near the village of Sv. Duh, did not flower, was the long-awaited sign for the Argonauts. After a heavy and rousing dinner of wild asparagus and muscatel, they were satisfied with themselves and at one in their perceptions. They could dismount the sun wind, for they had found the golden fleece at last.”
With these words, the country lore enthusiast, Friedrich Chopp, began his audience with Emperor Franz Joseph in Miramar in 1914. The Emperor had already heard about Chopp, who was famous for being proclaimed missing many times during his geomorphological investigations, and who persistently argued that in 2803 BC the Argonauts did not carry their ship to the Mediterranean but floated it there on one of the underground streams of the Karst. Regrettably, he was only interested in Chopp’s appearance, not on his commentaries on the significance of the Argonauts’ discovery. After listening to the story of the priest Sapunio del Amato, who was supposedly “thrown into a hole in the ground by the enraged masons of the chapel in the village of Sv. Duh in February 1600, when Giordano Bruno was burnt, emerging on the eighth day through a tunnel to the graveyard of shells at the Secovlje saltworks, where he started to announce that salvation lay in the Fleece”, his Majesty advised him that his son Ferdinand would certainly be the right person for such conversations. There are some indications that Chopp succeeded in convincing Ferdinand of the importance of the Fleece, but both of them died a few months later: Ferdinand in Sarajevo, and Chopp during a research expedition somewhere in the underground streams of the Ljubljanica river. In the decades of modern history (of wars) that followed, the Fleece was only spoken about at the domestic fireside, usually when talk turned to Great Joseph, a friendly Istrian giant as tall and as wide as the view.
For this reason, we are now so much more excited here at RIGUSRS, for we can now declare that the epoch-making discovery of a new unit of measurement has been made (though we cannot actually claim copyright for it): it is a FLEECE. One FLEECE is the distance that a true mixed Mediterranean man or woman can see, with the naked eye, in a state of well-being. Unfortunately, a FLEECE only substantially came into being after the death and displacement of several million inhabitants of the Mediterranean along the length of the Slovenian coast. RIGUSRS believes that it is not, and cannot be, a coincidence that this happened precisely at the Mediterranean apex of the Balkans, which became the metaphor for the developmental prospect of the entire Mediterranean. Staff at RIGUSRS are strongly convinced that the new unit of measurement offers a chance for a creative and contemplative next millennium in which the society of the spectacle is to be deconstructed. If all the state institutions of the Mediterranean countries start to deal, immediately and intensively, with the introduction of FLEECE into their socio-mental landscapes, the future - thanks to FLEECE - will cease to be a mere prolongation of the present.

Giordano Bruno: On the Infinite Universe and Worlds. London 1584.
Friedrich Chopp: Die Betrogene für Runo. Trieste 1902.
Guy Debord: La societé du spectacle. Paris 1967.
Rosa Luxemburg: Die Briefe an Luisa und Karl Kautsky. Leipzig 1889.