slovenian artist

Luther Blisset

It was few months ago that I have moved to Slovenia in order to study local artists and their habits - the present essay is a fruit of that research. Hopefully the interested schollar will find use in the results here offered.

Slovenian artist works alone,
slovenian artist doesn't talk to other slovenian artists,
slovenian artist doesn't read,
slovenian artist knows little,
slovenian artist is terribly late,
slovenian artist isn't curious,
slovenian artist lives hundred years ago,
slovenian artist fears the galerist,
slovenian artist fears the critic,
slovenian artist likes comfort,
slovenian artist likes money,
slovenian artist takes no risks,
slovenian artist travels,
slovenian artist likes to copy,
slovenian artist relyes on lasy audience,
slovenian artist is very clever,
slovenian artist knows everybody,
slovenian artist never talks of concepts,
slovenian artist allways talks of ateliers,
slovenian artist doesn't care for society,
slovenian artist doesn't care,
slovenian artist is devoted,
slovenian artist lives up to the expectations,
slovenian artist is a prety much like that.

Also, slovenian artist loves publicity, therefore all texts should be short.