Strip Core

Svetlobna gverila


Strip Core je avtorska in produkcijska skupina, ki se je formirala leta 1989 iz akterjev hard core scene. Poleg benda 2-2-2-7 in organizacije koncertov se je Strip Core posvečal tudi takratni alternativni vizualni umetnosti: grafitom, stripu, fotografiji … V drugi polovici devetdesetih, po prenehanju delovanja 2-2-2-7 in začasnem zaprtju kluba Channel Zero na Metelkovi, ki ga je ustanovil in vodil Strip Core, se je posvetil predvsem področjem vizualnih umetnosti in založništva, ki so bila pri nas spregledana.

Od leta 1992 Strip Core izdaja stripovsko revijo Stripburger. Razvoj stripovske kulture in produkcije uredništvo revije spodbuja s kontinuirano založniško dejavnostjo, razstavami, delavnicami, natečaji in drugimi stripovskimi projekti. Stripburger je v dveh desetletjih postal pomemben član mednarodne stripovske konspiracije, ki aktivno sodeluje tudi s številnimi slovenskimi kulturnimi združenji in zavodi.

Od leta 2009 Strip Core organizira festival Svetlobna gverila, ki se je razvil iz festivala Detektivi svetlobe. Svetlobna gverila se osredotoča na svetlobne umetniške projekte v javnem in galerijskem prostoru. Z namenom izobraževanja in spodbujanja te umetniške zvrsti se povezujemo z različnimi izobraževalnimi institucijami: Fakulteta za arhitekturo, ALUO, Visoka šola za dizajn …

Strip Core združuje tudi avtorje različnih sodobnih umetniških praks in različnih generaciji in je tudi producent njihovih projektov. Fotograf DK, multimedijski umetnik Andrej Štular zastopajo barve Strip Corea že dve desetletji, pridružili pa so se jim mlajši ustvarjalci: Matej Stupica, Kaja Avberšek, Domen Finžgar, za svojega štejemo tudi Marka Kovačiča, Marka Kocipra in druge ilegalne člane …

Strip Core je del Foruma Ljubljana, Zavoda za umetniško in kulturno produkcijo.


Strip Core is an artists and production collective that was established in 1989 from members of the then contemporary hard-core scene. Apart from the band 2-2-2-7 and concert organization, Strip Core has focused on contemporary visual arts: graffiti, comics, photography etc. After the breakup of the band 2-2-2-7 and a temporary closure of the Channel Zero club in Metelkova that was established and run by Strip Core, it has devoted itself primarily to those fields of visual arts and publishing that have been somewhat neglected in this country.

Strip Core has started publishing the magazine Stripburger in 1992. Its editorial board is promoting the development of comics culture and production by means of continuous publishing activities, exhibitions, workshops, contests and other comics related projects. Stripburger has become an important member of the international comics conspiracy, actively cooperating with many Slovenian cultural associations and institutions in its two decades of activity.

Strip Core is organizing the Svetlobna gverila / Lighting Guerrilla festival which evolved from the previous Detektivi svetlobe festival. Svetlobna gverila deals with lighting art projects in exhibition and public spaces. The festival is actively cooperating with various educational institutions (Faculty of Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, College of Design …)

Strip Core also represents artists from different contemporary artistic fields and produces their projects. Photographer DK and multimedia artist Andrej Štular have been a part of the team Strip Core for two decades already. Today they’re joined by some younger authors like Matej Stupica, Kaja Avberšek, Domen Finžgar, while having other “satellite” members, like Marko Kovačič, Marko Kociper, as well.

Strip Core is a part of Forum Ljubljana, Institute for Art and Cultural Production based in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


News Artists Stripburger Lighting Guerrilla
Kontakt Koledar