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(nepopolni seznam)

Abramsky, Kolya (ed.): Restructuring and Resistance: Diverse Voices of Struggle in Western Europe, 2001
Adler, Naomi: Animal Tales from Around the World (s priloženim CD romom), Barefoot Books, 2006
Albert, Michael & Hahnel, Robin: Looking Forward, Participatory Economics For The Twenty First Century, South End Press, 1991
Anderson, Andy: Hungary 56, Active Distribution/AK Press/Phoenix Press, 1964
Annwen: Herbal Abortion, Godhaven Ink, Second edition, 2002
Arthus-Bertrand, Yann: Earth from above. La tierra vista desde el cielo, Altitude, 2002
Arvon, Henri: L'anarchisme, Presses Universitaires de France, 1951
Atterton, Peter, Calarco, Matthew (eds.): Animal Philosophy: Essential Readings in Continental Thought, Continuum, 2004
Atwood, Margaret: Moral Disorder, Virago Press, 2007
autonome a.f.r.i.k.a gruppe/Luther Blissett/Sonja Bruenzels: Handbuch der Komunikationsguerilla, Association A, 4. izdaja, 2001
Auzias, Claire: Samudaripen, le genocide des Tsiganes, L'esprit frappeur, 1999
Avrich, Paul: Bakunin & Nechaev, Freedom Press, 1987
Ba, Mehdi: Rwanda - un genocide francais, L'esprit frappeur, 1997
Bagemihl, Bruce: Biological Exuberance. Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity, St. Martin's Press, 1999
Baillargeon, Normand : L'ordre moins le pouvoir. Histoire et actualites de l'anarchisme , Agone, 2001
Bakunin, Michail: Staatlichkeit und Anarchie und andere Schriften, Germany, 1972
Balibar, Étienne: Politics and the other scene, Verso, 2002
Ball, Philip: Critical Mass: how one thing leads to another, Arrow Books, 2004
Barrow, Christopher J.: Alternative Irrigation: The Promise of Runoff Agriculture, Earthscan, 1999
Barsamian, David: Stenographers to Power: Media and Propaganda, Common Courage Press, 1992
Beck, Ulrich: Družba tveganja – na poti v neko drugo moderno. Krtina, 2001.
Beckman, Joshua: Zapusti New York, LUD Šerpa, 2003
Belbeoch, Bella & Roger: Sortir du nucleaire, c'est possible avant la catastrophe, L'esprit frappeur, 1998
bell, hooks: All about love: new visions, Perennial, 2000
Bello, Walden: The Food Wars, Verso, 2010
Benstock, Shari: Ženske z levega brega, Zbirka Vizibilija, Škuc, 2004
Berger, Melody (ur.): We don't need another wave. Dispatches from the Next Generation of Feminism, Seal Press, 2006
Berkman, Alexander: The Bolshevik Myth, Pluto Press, 1989
Berkman, Alexander: What Is Communist Anarchism?, Phoenix Press, 1989 (1929)
Bernstein, Elizabeth in Schaffner, Laurie (ur.): Regulating Sex. The Politics of Intimacy and Identity, Routledge, 2005
Bernstein, Mary & Reimann, Renate (ur.): Queer families, queer politics: challenging culture and the state, Columbia University Press, 2001
Bernstein Sycamore, Matilda (ur.): That's Revolting! Queer strategies for resisting assimilation, Soft Skull Press, 2008
Bey, Hakim: Millennium, Autonomedia, 1996
Bey, Hakim: Privremene autonomne zone i drugi tekstovi, Naklada Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2003
Bibič, Bratko: Hrup z Metelkove: Tranzicije prostorov in kulture v Ljubljani, Mirovni inštitut, 2003
Biotic Baking Brigade: Pie Any Means Necessary - The Biotic Baking Brigade Cookbook, AK Press/Rebel Folk Press, 2004
Bird, Stewart, Georgakas, Dan, Shaffer, Deborah: Solidarity Forever: The IWW: An Oral History of the Wobblies, Lawrence and Wishart, 1985
Black, Bob: Travailler, moi? Jamais! L'abolition du travail, L'esprit frappeur, 1999
Blue, Violet: The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus, How to Go Down on a Woman and Give Her Exquisite Pleasure, Cleis Press, 2002
Bodroža, L., et al.: Studiostrip Komikaze, Komikaze edition, 2004
Bogunović, Goran: Sve će biti u redu, Kolaps, 2003
Bonefeld, Werner (ed.): Revolutionary Writing: Common Sense Essays in Post-Political Politics, Autonomedia, 2003
Bornstein, Kate: Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us, Vintage Books, 1994
Bornstein, Kate: Spolni izobčenci: o moških, ženskah in nas ostalih, ŠKUC, 1999

Bowles, Samuel & Gintis, Herbert: Recasting Egalitarianism, Verso, 1998

Bradford, George: How Deep is Deep Ecology?, Times Change Press, 1989
Brecher, Jeremy & Costello, Tim: Global Village or Global Pillage, Economic Reconstruction From the Bottom Up, South End Press, 1998 (1994)
Brener, Alexander, Schurz, Barbara: The art of destruction, Blossom vs Fruit, SAMIZDAT, 2004
Brennan, Teresa: Globalization and its terrors: Daily life in the West, Routledge, 2003
Brigati, A.J. (ed.): The Voltairine de Cleyre Reader, AK Press, 2004
Brown, Michael P.: RePlacing Citizenship: AIDS Activism and Radical Democracy, Guilford Press, 1997
Brown, Tim W.: Deconstruction Acres, III Publishing, 1997
Brownmiller, Susan: Proti naši volji, KRT, 1988
Bufe, Charles (ur.): The Heretics's Handbook of Quotations, See Sharp Press, 2001 (1988)
Bulc, Gregor: Proizvodnja kulture, Subkulturni azil, 2004
Burnett, Graham: Permakultura - vodič za početnike, Što čitaš?, 2004
Burns, Danny: Poll Tax Rebellion, AK Press, Attack, 1992
Butler, Judith: Težave s spolom: feminizem in subverzija identitete, ŠKUC, 2001
Buzan, Tony: Mind Maps for kids. An Introduction. The Shortcut to Success at School, Harper Thornsons, 2003
Callinicos, Alex: Antikapitalistični manifest, Sophia, 2004
Carlsson, Chris (ur.): Critical Mass, Bicycling's Defiant Celeration, AK Press, 2002
Cepin, Matej e tal.: Evropski teden mladih: Bodi prihodnost, bodi Evropa, Movit NA Mladina, 2009
Chalker, Rebecca: The Clitoral Truth: The Secret World at your fingertips, Seven Stories Press, 2000
Chambers, Robert: Participatory Workshops: a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities, Earthscan, 2002
Charter, Steve: Eat More Raw: A Guide to Health and Sustainability, Permanent Publications, 2004
Chesnais, Francois et al.: Reflexions sur la huerre en Yougoslavie, L'esprit frappeur, 1999
Chesnais, Robert: Histoire de medias , Nautilus, 2001
Chomsky, Noam: Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance, Penguin Books, 2004
Church Gibson, Pamela (ur.): More Dirty Looks. Gender, Pornography and Power, bfi Publishing, 2004
Churchil, Ward: Acts of Rebellion, Routledge, 2002
Class Struggle in a German Town: pamflet, AK press, Unpopular Books, Wildcat
Clastres, Pierre: Društvo protiv države, Anarhija – blok 45, 2002
Clements, Alain: Birmanie totalitaire, L'esprit frappeur, 1994
Cohen, Leonard: Moj život u umjetnosti, Kolaps, 2003
Corporate Watch: The Corporate Watch DIY Guide:How to research corporations
Craig, J. in Robertson, Barbara z hčearkama Camille in Allegro: The Kids' Building Wokshop. 15 Woodworking Projects for Kids & Parents to Build Together, Storey Publishing, 2004
CrimethInc: Evasion, 2001
Crosby, Alfred W.: Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900, Cambridge University Press, 2004
Cullen, Stephen: Children in society - a libertarian critique, Freedom Press, 1991
CZD & Muršič, Rajko: V sen sem jih videl, Frontier, 1999
Čučnik, Primož: Ritem v rokah, Aleph/72, 2002
Daniek, Michel: Do It Yourself 12 Volt Solar Power, Permanenet Publications, 2007
Darko, Amma: Brez obraza, Založba Sanje, 2004
Daston, Lorraine & Park, Katharine: Wonders and the Order of Nature, Zone Books, 1998
Dauncey, Guy: Earth Future: Stories from a Sustainable World. New Society Publishers, 1999.
Dearling, Alan, Meltzer, Graham: Another kind of space - creating ecological dwellings and environments , Enabler publications, 2003
Decourcelle, Antoine, Julinet Stephane: Que reste-t-il du droit d'asile? , L'esprit frappeur, 2000
D'Eaubonne, Francoise: Le sexocide des sorcieres, L'esprit frappeur, 1999
Dia, Mamadou: Kaso. Le migrant perpetuel , L'esprit frappeur, 1999
De Rougemont, Denis: Ljubezen in Zahod. *cf., 1999.
Dobnikar, Mojca et al.: Pogovori z ženskami, ki so preživele spolno nasilje. Krtina, 2000.
Dobson, Ross V. G.: Bringing the Economy Home from the Market, Black Rose Books, 1993
Dossier Beuys (predgovor in priredba Ješa Denegri), DAF, Biblioteka Fluxus, 2003
Dowty, Terri (ed.): Free Range Education. How home education works, Hawthorn Press, 2003
Driscoll, Michael & Driscol Denis: A Child's Introduction to The Environment. The Earth, and Sea Around Us – Plus Experiments, Projects, and Activities You Can Do to Help Our Planet!, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2008
Drooker, Eric: Street Posters & Ballads, Seven Stories Press, 1998
Duncombe, Stephen (ed.): Cultural Resistance Reader, Verso, 2002
Eccarius, J. G.: Down and Out in the Ivy League, III Publishing, 1998
Edmondson, Richard: Rising Up: Class warfare in America from the streets to the airwaves, Librad Press, 2000
Ehrenreich, Barbara: Danceing in the Streets. A History of Collective Joy, Granta Books, 2008
Eliade, Miracea: Shamanism, Archaic techniques of ecstasy, Arkana, Penguin books, 1989 (1964)
Elias, Norbert: O procesu civiliziranja (prvi zvezek). *cf., 2000.

European Network of Aids Helplines, 2003:

eNaH: #1: Discrimination experienced by people living with HIV and AIDS
eNaH: #2: Good Practice
eNaH: #3: Positive Living

EZLN: šesta deklaracija iz lakadonskga pragozda, prevod, junij 2005, pamflet
Fabbri, Luigi: Bourgeois Influences on Anarchism, See Sharp Press, 2001
Faderman, Lillian: Več kot ljubezen moških: romantično prijateljstvo in ljubezen med ženskami od renesanse do sodobnosti, ŠKUC, Vizibilija, 2002
Ferrell, Jeff: Tearing down the Streets: Adventures in Urban Anarchy, Palgrave, 2001
Frank, Thomas: New Consensus for Old: Cultural Studies from Left to Right, Prickly Paradigm Press, 2002
From Mactan to the Midnight act, Everyday stories of Devastation and Resistance among the Indigenous People of Philippines, pamflet
Fukuoka, Masanobu: The Natural Way of Farming: The Theory and Practice of Green Philosophy, bookventure, 1985/1993
Fukuoka, Masanobu: The One Straw Revolution, The Other India Press, 1978, 2000
Fukuoka, Masanobu: The Road back to Nature: Regaining the Paradise Lost, bookventure, 1987/1996
Galleani, Luigi: The End of Anarchism, Cienfuegos Press, 1982

Galloway, Alexander R.: Protocol, MIT, 2004

Gamble, Sarah (ur.): The Routledge Companion to Feminism and Postfeminism, Routledge, 2001
Garber, Marjorie: Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life, Routledge, 2000
Garner, Abigail: Families Like Mine. Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is, Perrenial Currents, 2005
Gatens, Moira: Feminism and Philosopy, Perspectives on Difference and Equality, Polity Press, 2003 (1991)
Giddens, Anthony: Preobrazba intimnosti. *cf., 2000.
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Globočnik, Martina: Ljudi iz televizora, Što čitaš?, 2004
Goffman, Ken with Joy, Dan: Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house, Villard Books, 2005
Goldring, Andrew (ed.): Permaculture Teacher's Guide, Permaculture Association, 2003
Goldstein, Richard: Homo konzerve: liberalna druzba in gejevska desnica, Skuc, 2005
Gough, John W.: Družbena pogodba – kritična študija njenega razvoja. Krtina, 2001.
Gould, Stephen Jay: Eight Little Piggies, Vintage Books, 1993
Gouteux, Jean - Paul: Un genocide san importance - la Francafrique au Rwanda, Tahin Party, 2001
Graeber, David: Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology, Prickly Paradigm Press, 2004
Grand, Lurker e tal.: Hot Love. Swiss Punk & Wave 1976 – 1980, Edition Patrick Frey, 2007
Grant, Nick e tal.: Sewage Solutions. Answering the call of nature. Third edition, Centre for Alternative Technology Publications, 2005
Gray, John: Heresies: Against Progress and other Illusions, Granta Books, 2004
Griffiths, Jay: Pip Pip: A Sideways Look at Time, Harpercollins Pub, 2000
Groudswell UK: Toolkit for Change, The grounswell self help Manual
Gržinič, Marina in Reitsamer, Rosa (ur.): New Feminism. Queer and Networking Conditions, Založba Löcker, Dunaj, 2008
Hahne, Ron: Black Mask & Up Against the Wall Motherfucker: The Incomplete works of Ron Hahne, Ben Morea and the Black Mask Group, Unpopular Books & Sabotage Editions, 1993
Halimi, Serge & Vidal, Dominique: L'opinion, ca se travaille... - Les medias & les "guerres justes": du Kosovo a l'Afganistan, Agone, 2000, 2002
Hamilton, Geoff: Naravno vrtnarjenje: vodnik za biološko neoporečno pridelovanje hrane in rastlin, DZS, 1997
Harding, Thomas: The Video Activist Handbook, Pluto Press, 2001
Hardt, Michael, Negri, Antonio: Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire, Penguin Press, 2004
Harrison, Paul: Inside the Third World, 3rd edition, Penguin Books, 1993
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Haselden, John: 'Allo'Allo! Ratni dnevnik Renea Artoisa , "Dereta", 1989
Heins, Marjorie: Not in front of the children. "Indicency", Censorship and the Innocence of Youth, Hill and Wang, 2002
Heler, Agneš: Filozofija levog radikalizma, Beograd, 1985
Hemon, Aleksandar: Nowhere Man, Random House, 2006
Herdt, Gilbert (ed.): Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History, Zone Books, 1996
Hobsbawm, Eric: Čas skrajnosti. ZPS, 2000.
Hobsbawm, E.J.: Nations and Nationalism since 1780, Cambridge University Press, 1993
Hobsbawm, Eric: Uncommon people: resistance, rebellion and jazz, Abacus, 1999
Hoffman, Abbie: Steal this book, Four wall eight windows, 1996
Holloway, John: Change the world without taking power: The meaning of revolution today, Pluto Press, 2002
Holmes, Brian: Fleksibilna osebnost/Maščevanje koncepta, Založba /*cf, 2005
Holmes, Brian: Hieroglyphs of the future: art & politics in a networked era / Hijeroglifi buducnosti: umjetnost i politika u doba umreženosti, Arkzin/WHW, 2003
Holmgren, David: Permaculture: Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability, Holmgren Design Services, 2002
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Honderich, Ted: Hierarchic Democracy and the Necessity of mass Civil Disobedience, pamflet, South Place Ethical Society, 1995
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Lentin, Alana: Racism & Anti-racism in Europe, Pluto Press, 2004

Lessig, Lawrence: Free Culture: How Big Media uses Technology and the Law to lock down Culture and control Creativity, Penguin Press, 2004

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Škratova filmska šola


(na voljo za izposojo v Škratovi čitalnici)
top 3

Goldman, Emma: Living my life, Dover Pubs, 1930

Rimbaud, Penny: Shiboleth: My Revolting Life, AK Press, 1998
Black, Jack: You can't win, AK Press, 2000



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Spirit of Detournement // Steal shamelessly.