Where is Slovenia and what YOU can do in:
List of organisations in Ljubljana.
WARNING: This guide is more or less up-to-date for Ljubljana. Information for other towns may be inaccurate.
Caffes, Clubs and Bars
- “Q” Cultural Center (Club Tiffany) – Caffe, Bar, Masarykova 24 (blue building). Open on Fridays. Some events are on Saturdays, they are announced in advance.
- Monokel – caffe, bar – Masarykova 24. Usually open on Fridays and/or Saturdays.
- K4 Roza – gay and lesbian nights in club K4, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana. Usually one Saturday per month.
- Cafe Kolaž - Gay friendly bar
- GYMNASIVM – officially gay sauna. For details see their website.
- district35 – men’s sauna
- Sauna Zlati klub, recreational centre Tivoli. The biggest sauna in town. Popular among gays, though not gay.
- Beach by the river Sava. Difficult to find – ask somebody. Can be crowded.
- The park by the rails behind the petrol station on the Tivolska cesta. Caution!
- Parking place in the Tivoli park. At nights, in the cars.
- SkritoCafe LoungeBar, Splavarski prehod 5 (Lent – Stara trta). LGBT friendly. Coffee, cocktails, wines, beers, snacks. Terrace. Free WiFi.
- Theatrical Cafe, Slomškov trg, by the theatre: open all day except on Sunday. Pleasant but not strictly gay.
The Sauna
- Sauna at public bath “PRISTAN” on the Lent. In bad condition but interesting. (remark: not sure if this is still true)
- Sauna in spa “Fontana” (mixed)
- Nudist beach on the “Maribor Island” (popular summer resort on the river Drava). City bus no. 15.
- City Park, in particular, the path past the Aquarium toward the Three Ponds. Gets lively towards evening; not in the winter.
- Public toilettes on Partizanska street, in front of the Franciscan Church (red) and the bar opposite.
- First parking on the road from Maribor to Celje, approximately a kilometer after the exit to Fram.
- Sauna at Spa Laško. Zdraviliška road 4. Mixed but worth a look.
- Nudist beach by the river Savinja. Easiest to find, if you pass the Rafter through the maple walk by the Savinja, turn left behind the open pool and across the Ložnica. From then, it’s 15 min walk. Find the pebble islands.
- City Park and the Promenade by the river Savinja. After dark, there is some cruising around the Rafter statue, across the bridge to the right side of the park, to benches around playground. Better when warm.
- Railway Station. Nicely refurnished, active towards the weekend and the evening.
Other towns
- Piran – Lovely little Mediterranean town! Gay-friendly, crowded in the summer. The beach from Piran to Strunjan. Many places to swim and sunbathe in nude.
- Spa in Banovci (mixed)
- Roza klub. Political organisation to ban discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. (Slovenian text here)
- ŠKUC-MAGNUS. Organised for the socialisation of homosexuality through culture.
- ŠKUC-LL. Lesbian group.
- Legebitra. GLBT youth group.
- Out in Slovenija. GLBT sports group.