Lesbo: politična, kulturna in socialna revija.
Izhaja od leta 1997 in je nepridobitnega značaja.
Izšla je nova številka 13-14
(jesen-zima 2001).
Pravkar izšel roman Jeanette Winterson "Pomaranče niso
edini sad"
, pred tiskom Lillian Faderman "Več kot ljubezen moških: Romantično prijateljstvo in ljubezen med ženskami od renesanse do sodobnosti".
Bibliografija literature in
gradiva z lezbično in gejevsko tematiko, ki se v slovenskem jeziku zbira od začetka 20. stoletja. Seznam materiala je v delu in stalnem dograjevanju.

LESBO 9/10

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Lesbo is a Slovenian political, social and cultural non-profit making quarterly. Its founder and publisher is the lesbian group ŠKUC-LL. The editress-in-chief is Nataša Velikonja, the design editress is Barbara Predan.

The 9th-10th issue of Lesbo magazine is titled “2000: Back to the Closet”, which is meant as a serious joke to turn the attention to the more hidden, less known, quickly forgotten traditions of gay and lesbian histories and cultures, whose only reason for being left aside lies in their more complex or soft-core ways of gay or lesbian identifications. In the editorial, Nataša Velikonja writes about the conflict processes in the western lesbian feminist theories, which are known as “sex wars”; their output was also the new visibility of interconnections between sexualities, genders, race, class or age status etc. The main utopia in lesbian/gay politics lies within idealisation of the concept of identity, which was one of the strongest organising principles of understanding sexuality in the 20th Century. This central topic is continued by a part of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's essay “The Epistemology of the Closet” and Pierre Lou˙s's poems “Les Chansons de Bilitis”.

Lesbo starts with politics: in the section under the title “Llobby”, Nataša Koražija, in her article “Soft Social Facts”, analyses Slovene public opinion research, which is carried out annually by the Faculty of Sociology at the University of Ljubljana. Throughout the nineties, the public opinion poll revealed 40-60 percent of anti-gay sentiment, the number which is slightly on the decrease. On the other hand, Sara Lubej in her ironically coloured pamphlet “Blue Money” gives a sharp view on a Slovene brave new world, this no-troubled mixture of officially related picture of a modern, pro-European, pro-western little happy and clean state and society, and of its other darker and veiled side, state's strategies toward criminalisation, poverty, chauvinism, xenophobia, police harassment and hate speech toward junkies, homosexuals, asylum seekers, subcultures etc. The main political theme of Llobby section is an overview of legal and social status of homosexuality in Eastern Europe. Tatjana Greif describes the situation in different countries and concludes that the trends present in East European countries in transition and their attitudes towards conceiving equality for gays and lesbians are aimed at improving their legal situation, although they are also all subjected to a very strong tendency towards returning to the traditional values (in public opinion, church media, educational system etc.) present in the society, which can represent a certain danger to the socialisation of homosexuality. Foreign policy's part of “Llobby” section offers a brief comment, entitled “The compassionate conservativism” — written by Nataša Sukič — about the shifts toward right-wing or even fundamentalist policy in the USA government, after the election of the new American president George W. Bush, and its effect on the status of gays and lesbians.

This issue brings a new section, “The School”. The school and educational systems are seen as the fields of social life, which are extremely important for the public attitude toward homosexuality. The processes of education in Slovene school and university system is detailed discussed in Andrej Zornik's feuilleton, “Homosexuality and the School”, a research which covers treatment of homosexuality in Slovene primary and secondary schools. Next issues will bring further discussions about the gays and lesbians in the schools etc. Suzana Tratnik's essay “Why did Sappfo throw herself from the Cliffs” discusses the phenomenon of highly marginalised position of lesbian topics in the academic framework. Despite organised lesbian movement and extremely intense contemporary international research in the field, the institutional scientific discourse in Slovenia does not include the issue of homosexuality in the university curriculum, but instead it is rather left to the individual professors to decide whether of not to include it. As the author argues, there is still a problem of epistemological legitimisation of lesbian and gay topics. In an article “Identity and Naming”, Jelka Zorn offers a concept of “handicap” as an epistemological necessity when thinking about any identity — gay and lesbian too. This article can be also seen as the highly recommendable description of one possible analytical tool, which can be used at the more and more frequent and really happy moments when meeting the whole, balanced (or deduced) and know-how personal or social arrangements.

The next part “Culture”, is composed of three articles and some previews commenting on several aspects of cultural life concerning lesbian and gay topics. Under the title “Zami Girls”, Varja Velikonja describes the impact of QueerCore movement as a subversive cultural platform; within this movement, Adele Bertei, a musician and ex-member of the New York women punk band The Bloods, is presented. Nikolai Jeffs reviews last year's Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. In his article, “Commercialisation and the loss of identity” Brane Mozetič defines the culture as an element, which frames and forms an identity. He states that in the atmosphere, when the GLBT community is aiming toward articulation of its several needs and demands (the improvement of the legal system, the accommodation to the market society, clubbing etc.), the culture as such remains at the lowest levels of importance. We have our tribe, Mozetič concludes, but what we do not have, is developed culture and civilisation.

The last section, entitled “Pornovision”, introduces an elaborate article of Nataša Sukič, “Sexualisation of the media”, which deals with the body-art and performance in the Slovene art scene. She gives a brief chronological overview of the development of the artistic forms which focus on a body as a centre of its expression, starting from the early eighties and the multimedia group Borghesia, through the rise of several festivals dealing with the topic (The Magnus Festival, The Beauty of Extreme, The City of Women, Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Kapelica gallery etc.).

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